Water can example sentences

That is why even a moderate amount of organic matter when decomposes in water can deplete the water of its dissolved oxygen.The rainwater can be stored in the tankas till the next rainfall making it an extremely reliable source of drinking water when all other sources are dried up, particularly in the summers.Water can neither be added nor subtracted from the earth.Not only is it necessary for us to be able to meet our daily needs but safe drinking water can prevent many water-related diseases.Excess nitrate in drinking water can cause disease such as methemoglobinemia.River water can be used for generating hydroelectric power but presently, it is being utilised only to a limited extent.The amount of oxygen that water can hold in the solution is limited.Hot water can also be a pollutant ! This is usually water from power plants and industries.Where is then water scarcity likely to occur? As you have read in the hydrological cycle, freshwater can be obtained directly from precipitation, surface run off and groundwater.

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